Before Your Booking
1. All bookings are to be made through the office prior to use.
2. Bond and Keys
A bond of $150 (weekdays) or $300 (weekends) is required for all bookings. This bond is refundable if there is no damage and the room is left in a clean and tidy state.
If your booking is outside our office hours, you will be issued with a room key. We are required by the building owners, Wellington City Council, to charge a key bond of $50 for each key. The bond is refundable when the key is returned.
Keys are not to be given to another person, used at any time other than your booking, or copied. Keys must be returned within 24 hours of the end of your booking. Keys can be dropped into the letterbox by the entrance to the Community Centre.
After the return of the key, your bond will be refunded. Any key not returned within 3 months will not have their bond refunded.
3. First Aid
First Aid supplies are the responsibility of the user. Please bring your own supplies.
4. Changes in Your Booking
If you need to cancel your booking, the Community Centre must be advised 24 hours in advance to secure your refund.
Occasionally you may be asked (in advance) to change your booking, in the case of a public event. This would be a maximum of twice a year and you would be relocated or credited for this.
5. Security Cameras
Security Cameras operate in all areas of the Community Centre.
During your Booking
6. Emergency Procedures
Please ensure that your group knows what to do in an emergency such as fire or earthquake. You will find this information in the Emergency Evacuation Procedures document attached. You must identify and point out to the group the marked FIRE EXITS on your arrival.
Please note that we have a defibrillator located outside the main entrance to the Community Centre, beside the Op Shop. Ring 111 and they will give you the pin number for it.
7. Security
When the Community Centre Office is not open, keep the entry door locked (push “EXIT” on the door control panel). Users are responsible for people in the building. If any person in the building is not known to the user, the user has the right to question the unknown person why they are in the Community Centre if necessary, ask them to leave.
8. Use of rooms and furniture
You may only use the rooms/s you have booked. All users are to treat the furniture and fittings with care and respect.
9. Fire Alarm
If the fire alarm is set off without due cause, you will be liable to pay the $1500 +GST charge from the Fire and Emergency New Zealand. You have signed the front of this document to acknowledge this clause.
10. User’s Property
No responsibility will be accepted for damage to, or loss of property placed or stored in the Community Centre.
11. Safety and Supervision
The user is responsible for the behaviour of their group. All members of your group need to be respectful of the building, furniture and other users. Children need to be supervised at all times.
12. Damage and Injury
The user is responsible for accident or injury to persons or property while at Karori Community Centre. Any damage/injury must be reported to the Office, either in person or via email, as soon as practical.
13. Legislation, By-Laws and Governing Bodies
All users will comply with current legislation, by-laws and the rules of their governing body.
14. Tobacco, drugs and alcohol
Karori Community Centre building and grounds are a drug free and smoke free zone.
If you are selling alcohol or serving alcohol at an event where a ticket has been purchased or a koha has been offered, you will need to obtain a Special Licence. Applications are made to Wellington City Council - for application form and fee information google “Wellington City Council Alcohol Licensing”. You need to apply for your Special Licence at least 20 working days prior to your event.
If you are supplying the alcohol or your event is BYO, as a responsibility host and as part of this hire agreement, the following requirements apply:
Prevent intoxication – alcohol is to be consumed responsibly
Under 18’s are to be supervised and not allowed to consume alcohol
Provide substantial food throughout the duration of your event
Water is to be promoted and easily accessible
Provide a range of non-alcoholic options
Advise safe transport options to ensure your guests get home safety
Look after your guests and be mindful of the Centre’s neighbours.
After your Booking
A helpful check list
15. Tidiness
All areas of the room/s must be left clean.
Food spillages, especially around the stove and microwave, are to be cleaned away to avoid ants.
Toilets must be left tidy.
Cleaning equipment is available in the “Cleaners’ Cupboard” in the corridor next to reception, or in the Kitchen of Room 3.
All furniture must be returned to its original position.
16. Rubbish and Recycling
Rubbish and recycling must be taken away from the Centre and its grounds.
17. Lights
Please check that lights switches are turned off.
Please note that some lights are on sensor.
18. Heaters
Please check that all heaters are unplugged and the heat pumps are turned off.
19. Doors and Windows
Check that all doors and windows are closed and locked when leaving the Centre.
20. Return of Keys
After you have finished, please lock doors and return key to the letterbox.